Hot Soups
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Hot Soups

Hot Soups

Making a good Soup is quite an art, which can only be acquired by anyone who spends some time and care in learning and making it. But today we bring you some soups that even a person who has less knowledge in it can make soups easily.


Brown soup


What you need,

  • 500 g beef ( If preferred you are able to use Chicken instead )
  • 8 cups boiling water
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 Carrot
  • 2 Strips of Celery
  • ¼ cups of flour
  • ¼ cups of oil Salt and pepper to taste


How to make,


Cut the meat in pieces, xfgyn bq wrap it with  xfgyn bq flour and xfgyn bq fry in oil xfgyn bq until golden  xfgyn bq brown. Then  xfgyn bq slice and  xfgyn bq fry the onions. Put the meat and onions into a pan, pour in the water, add pepper and salt and boil gently for 3 hours. Starin off the stock, and when cold, remove the fat. Now add the vegetables cut up into small pieces and simmer slowly until the vegetables are tender. Serve with fried or toasted bread.


Cheese Soup


What you need,

  • 4cups of Light stock
  • 2 cups Cheese Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 Teaspoon of butter
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • 1 Teacup of Milk


How to make,


Cut the xfgyn bq bread into small pieces, then melt the butter in a pan and fry the bread till it becomes like a light golden brown. Then add the stock into xfgyn bq it. And  xfgyn bq now add  xfgyn bq the cheese  xfgyn bq cut into  xfgyn bq thin slices. xfgyn bq Stir  xfgyn bq well  xfgyn bq and  xfgyn bq let to boil xfgyn bq for about a  xfgyn bq half an  xfgyn bq hour. Beat  xfgyn bq up  xfgyn bq the  xfgyn bq egg yolk with  xfgyn bq milk and  xfgyn bq add to the  xfgyn bq soup stirring  xfgyn bqall the time.  xfgyn bq Season to  xfgyn bq taste and  xfgyn bq make the  xfgyn bq soup thoroughly  xfgyn bq hot, but do not xfgyn bq boil again after  xfgyn bq the beaten  xfgyn bq egg is added.  xfgyn bq Serve hot.










by Kaushalya de Silva

Photo source: Internet



