Man attempts to flee to Canada with forged passport arrested
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Man attempts to flee to Canada with forged passport arrested

Man attempts to flee to Canada with forged passport arrested

A 34-year-old youth from Jaffan was arrested this morning at the Bandaranike International Airport (BIA) while attempting to flee to Canada using a forged passport. 


The Immigration and Emmigration officers attached to the airport arrested the suspect and revealed that the suspect had attempted to flee to Canada on the promise of getting Rs. 13 million from a broker in Anuradhapura. 


The suspect had completed his flight clearance and presented his passport to the immigration officer. The officer who was suspicious of the photograph in the passport entered the information into the computer system. Later, he revealed that the passport belonged to some other person.


The actual owner of the passport was a person who was banned from leaving the country by the Trincomalee courts.


Accordingly, the suspect was taken to the Immigration Department's Border Enforcement Unit.


Following a search the real passport of the suspect was found in the suspect's bag.


His real national identity card was also found in the suitcase of this young man, after which he revealed all the facts before the immigration officials.



