Nuclear energy in Sri Lanka - Proposals for EOI prepared
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Nuclear energy in Sri Lanka - Proposals for EOI prepared

Nuclear energy in Sri Lanka - Proposals for EOI prepared

In the wake of different countries such as Russia, France and Denmark seeking interests in developing nuclear power here, the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Authority (SLAEA) has prepared two documents to be approved by the Cabinet-one is to call for Expression of Interest (EOI) from prospective investors and the other to envisage the government’s policy on the energy mix expansion, an official said.


The SLAEA has taken this initiative in the backdrop of Russia having submitted proposals for the setting up of either offshore or onshore nuclear power plants in the country as done by them in India and Bangladesh.


SLAEA Chairman Prof. S. R. D. Rosa told Daily Mirror that the proposals had been submitted by different countries and the Russian proposal seemed to be comprehensive enough for Sri Lanka to consider .


He said two Cabinet documents - one is for calling for EOI and the other declaring the national policy on having nuclear power in the energy mix - had been worked.


“We have submitted them to the Power and Energy Ministry to be referred to the Cabinet for approval ,” he said .. Russia has agreed to send a delegation from Rosatom -state nuclear energy corporation. to discuss the proposals. Moscow has funded the construction with a $ 11.38 billion loan in Bangaladesh to be repaid in two decades, starting from 2027.



