Avoid this Travel scams in sri lanka
For Sri Lankan's Overseas

Avoid this Travel scams in sri lanka

Avoid this Travel scams in sri lanka

Sri lanka has been a country full of natural beauty since ancient times. Tourism is the one of the main sources of income in sri lanka, which has a democratic social system.

With development of the tourism industry people have got many job opportunities. But due to the competition among the people to earn the cost of living, today some foreigners have to face the various type of scams incidents. As the main of these things,


Taxi and Tuk–Tuk Scams



Claiming that the meter is down and then charging an inflated flat fare and taking a longer route on drive through a traffic jam to inflate the fare. Not only that claiming no transfer buses but also that you have to take a cab. Another one is tuk-tuk over charging. Tuk-tuk drivers can deceive you at any time.


How to avoid it

  • You should only to hire tuks with visible working meters.
  • You should use the GPS app whenever you can
  • And also you can get a photo of the driver or a photo of his license when you feel any scam.
  • Always try to remember emergency numbers (Tourist police -011 2421052, ambulance-110 )


Beggars and charities


Sri lanka is a developing country. Many poor people with a low income live here.so actually, their daily source of income depend on money from someone else. Most of the beggars and charities can be seen nearly urban areas. When they see you they will come to you and ask for money. sometimes if you have cash of money on your hand they may can even snatch it.



How to avoid it


Try to go another place. And do not give money to people on the street. Often charitable organizations in sri lanka do not ask for money on the streets.


Pickpockets in sri lanka


Actually they work in a gang. one can onlooker, one blocks, pushes, distracts, or engages you. And also suddenly they can push you aside and run away with your money bag. 


How to avoid it

  • There for always pay attention to the people around you.
  • Do not leaving your luggage or purse or wallet here and there.
  • Do not spend too much time in crowded places


People of addicted to alcohol, Unofficial guides



These kind of people may first talk to you in a friendly manner and then try to get closer to you. They are try to latch on to you and provide low quality, unsolicited advice, then demand a fee.


How to avoid it

  • Do not trust people very easily
  • Avoid alcoholic things because it can easily destroy your money


These are the main travel scams in sri lanka. In addition to that,


Stilt fishing photo scams, Colombo fort railway station scams, Ticket scams in Famous religious places, Romance scam in sri lanka for example


Finally, if you like to travel, make sure you are well aware of these things.








Written by: Anu shen

Photo source : Internet



